Traffic management concept is based on intelligent pipeline (physical network) and aggregation platform (commercial networks) used in order to expand the scale of traffic, upgrade the level of traffic, wealth flow content into business direction and release the flow value by a set of ideas, strategies for the purpose of collection.

Application traffic management is used more by telecom operators, but in fact the Internet, especially as it is portal industry, is also suitable for the tool, namely how to manage traffic entrance, maintain or increase the flow of traffic levels is directly related to the realization and sustainability.

Built on accurate identification and customer segmentation, traffic management is based on dig user business requirements and personal experience and used to increase user stickiness as traffic increase to grow. Mining and analysis of traffic management is implemented through four steps:

Firstly the process of analysis of customer Web logs, URL to be identified automatically records the contents of customer preferences. As it is combined with the user’s basic information, precise subdivision of the users and their needs is conducted.

Then segment models for flow operation are created to build accuracy and fine flow enhancement programs with customers. Existing business platform implementation of docking and virtual operations also takes place.

The third step is to validate the model and amend, correct the connection with existing business platforms and dimensions, details and direct marketing plan.

Finally, implementation and evaluation, long-term monitoring results.